Safely Maintain Your Ice Machine
It's important to clean and sanitize your ice machine regularly - before any debris or slime forms. If slime develops, it may be pink, green, brown or black and may allow harmful germs such as Salmonella, Listeria, E.coli, Shigella and norovirus to spreadh through the ice to your guests.
Follow these tips to keep your ice machine slime-free:
Inspect Ice Machine Weekly
Check for the presence of any debris or slime, especially on interior surfaces. A towl dipped in sanitizer and wrung out can be used to wipe off slime.
Double Check Quality of Cleaning
Follow up on cleaning performed by any vendor or employee to ensure surfaces were properly clean and all debris was removed.
Thoroughly Investigate All Areas
Use a flashlight to inspect the entire interior. This helps to see dimly lit areas, such as around and into the ice chute.
Adjust Cleaning Frequency
Don't wait until visible debris or slime develops. If, every time you clean, you have debris and slime, you need to increase your cleaning frequency. As always, refer to the operating manual for proper cleaning procedures. If you need help, give us a call and we can set your cleaning cycle on a regular planned maintenance program.
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